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Kambu Health Partners with ATSILS

Kambu Health is thrilled to advise our First Nation members, patients, and clients in Ipswich and West Moreton region that we have partnered with Aboriginal and Torrres Strait Islander Legal Service (Qld) and have secured a Lawyer (David); three (3) days a week: two (2) days at Ipswich and one (1) at Laidley.

Service commences Monday 3 March 2025.

To make an appointment:

Melissa Lansbury PH: (07) 3810 3000


Every Monday at 27 Roderick Street Ipswich,

9:00am – 4:00pm;

Every Wednesday at Family Wellbeing Service,

155 Patrick Street Laidley, 9:00am to 3:45pm and:

Every Friday at 3 Wharf Street Ipswich,

9:00am – 4:00pm.

Please note no appointments between 12:00pm-1:00pm

Legal Advice On Offer:

The legal advice on offer includes general advice regarding any family or civil matter, but more particularly Family Law issues (with regards to children), Domestic and Family Violence applications, Child Protection, QCAT applications, Good Behaviour Bonds, Employment Relations, General Civil Claims (such as debt recovery), general advice regarding Rental Disputes, general Wills and Estates, including drafting Wills and Power of Attorney. General advice on Contract Law.

No property Settlements or Conveyancing.


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